
Hello! This website is a personal project of mine to keep track of all the thrift stores and flea markets I've visited so far in Arkansas. I mainly visit the cities linked in the Navigation, but hopefully that will grow in the future.

For starters, each location will have its basic information such as address, hours, and whether it's still open or not. Beside that will be my personal rating scale of cleanliness, how fast the cycling of items are, quality of the items, and other special information I've picked up from my visits. This project will hopefully help keep track of these places and share information that can't be easily Google'd or accessed online!

About Me

My name is Cat and I've been living in Arkansas for almost all my life. I started thrifting when I moved during middle school and there was a flea market just down the road from me. Ever since visiting, I've loved dropping in any flea market to see what catches my eye and strange things that people have collected. Whether it was a giant Barbie PEZ head, weird cat head hooks, customized horror baby dolls, I love just seeing it all out in the open for anyone to see.

Most of the time I'm travelling with family when flea marketing, so there might be comments about a location from them as well. We have a variety of interests, so usually one person at least finds something each stop we make.
